Mythical Manipulation
September 6, 2010 @ 10:31 pm (Permalink)
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Word Count: 11,106
Rating: R
Category: AU, Humour, Romance
Notes: Written for the Teddy Fest 2010 with prompt #42 — When he was younger, Draco used to babysit Teddy. Today, he still can’t see more than a child in Teddy, but that doesn’t keep Teddy from trying to change that. Korean mythology and European mythological creatures are loosely borrowed and used in this story. Many thanks to Ayla Pascal, Luvscharlie, and Songquake for listening to my ranting on this fic! Also, many thanks to Ayla Pascal for the beta!
Summary: One night, Draco baby-sits for Teddy and tells him a tale he’s made up on the spot. Eleven years later, to Draco’s dismay, Teddy makes the tale come true.
Pairing: Teddy Lupin/Draco Malfoy
Warnings: Slash, Cross-gen (35/18)
Dedications: None
Completed Date: August 14, 2010
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